Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Going to purchase my first charcoal grill

After reading many blogs, videos, pages, articles and having endless conversations about charcoal grills I decided to take the plunge and buy one. The grill manufacturer is Weber and it is a very well known grill manufacturer. I went to several brick-and-mortar chain stores, Home Depot, Lowe's, and Sears and visited amazon.com and I narrowed it down to the One-Touch Gold 22.5". Weber offers two other models but the Gold 22.5" was the best fit for me and by barbequing needs. After visiting Lowe's and Home Depot I was very disappointed with the selection and the lack of service I received. Well, I went to our local hardware store where they were able to order it for me for the same price as the large chain stores. Hot dog!

After ordering the Weber I drove to the local apple orchard to buy apple wood for smoking my meats. Normally they sell wood chips for $5 - $8 a small bag. I was able to buy lots more wood for the same price AND I helped a local business. The purchase wasn't huge but you understand my point. Here is a picture of the Wright's store.

As you can see they have a variety of options for apple wood purchases. I, of course, went with the smallest option because I will not use it in my fireplace. Here is an image of the actual wood that I purchased.
Look at the bundle of apple wood placed comfortably in the back of the Toyota matrix. It was placed there because it was the safest area for it. After all I didn't want it to get bruised and have it traumatized. Can you tell I have issues?

Next will be picking up the grill and setting it up.

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