Saturday, December 22, 2018

Trump's New Wall Design


Take a close look at this screenshot of his "new" favorite wall design.
Trump's Wall Design

What is very interesting is that this is a new design and not anything like the proposed ones. Keep reading.

We can use the car shown in the front of the wall and comparatively surmise that the wall is about 30 feet tall.

The United States of America is a country of immigrants. At the base of the Statue of Liberty it states, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". Now we build steel slats with pointy ends to kill those who try to seek refuge in the United States of America. The slats with the pointy tops have nothing to do with what the Statue of Liberty states.

Trump claims that this new wall is "beautiful" and "totally effective". How did he determine that the wall is totally effective? I am using the vehicle in front of the wall to determine that the space between the slats is wide enough for a skinny person or a child to get through. Here we go. It took me two minutes to find a way to get through the $5 Billion wall design! In terms of effectiveness, is he referring to the pointy tops of the slats? Which company created this new design? Was it designed by an engineering company or by a staff member of his? Knowing Trump anything is possible.

The top of each slat comes to a sharp point that reminds me of medieval castles. All they have to do now is to build a moat in front of the slats to complete this medieval project. The wall's maintenance budget probably includes keeping those points sharp and shiny.

Now stay with me, the ORIGINAL wall designs weren't anything like the one shown above. In my opinion, please keep in mind that I've been wrong many times in the past, this new wall design was shown in Trump's twitter account just for controversy. Trump and the people around him love divisiveness and controversy and this is the reason they highlight the sharp points of the fence.

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